showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Robot Odyssey I: Escape from Robotropolis  The Learning Company1984 adventureengine ambientcreatures assemblylang bizarrecreatures city controllablehelplessness difficultyspike drm edu-logic edu-programming elevators femaleauthor flipscreens framesynced fuel hard hypermobilefoes joystick klaatubaradanikto logic logicgates machinecivilization opensolutions pointertoggle programming publictransit pushwalls robotodyssey robots sewers stranded subterranean taskfailure walking
[48]***Requires 64k RAM, an Apple ][plus machine or better, and 2 blank disk sides.
[b]MSRP[/b]: $49.95

Your trapped in a the robot city, Robotropolis. You must navigate the city by designing and soldering logic circuits into discarded robots. You'll need to find batteries, battery chargers (unless you work extremely efficiently), keys, tokens, sensors, and microchips, among other things. But more important than any items you find in the game is the item resting between your shoulders, your brain. The puzzles in this game have no absolute solution (but hints and parts are sometimes provided for a solution predetermined by the game designers), instead you must design the solutions that you think will work. The unofficial sequel to [game=#20413]Rocky's Boots[/game]. Uses a much more advanced engine to drive very, very complex logic circuitry and animations. Although the puzzles in the game don't come close to needing the complexity this game is capable of delivering. It is educational, just don't tell anyone because this game is way to much fun to spoil.

In the Sewer level, you can find initials of 8 of the authors.

There are 4 sides to this program! Depending on what version you have, all sides of the disks may contain useful chips. Check'em out.

The copy protection of this game will prevent the soldering iron from working (even if legitimately used). The disks are a modified DOS 3.3 format. Enter B942:18 in the Apple's monitor program, copy the disks, then Enter B942:36. Edit the disks and change $000FD2 and $040EEB to 38. Now you have disks suitable to dump for emulation.

"Klaatu Barada Nikto" is a reference to the old black and white classic sci-fi, [i]The Day the Earth Stood Still[/i]
There is a Dalek in The Sewers level.
Dark Tower Melbourne House1984 claiming commercial deadlydecor directionalforce-movingsurface directionalforce-tilt falldamage hard harmfultouch instantdeath joystick jumping keyboard ladders langinsignificant license-proprietary lives monsters nosaves precisionplatformer ropeswinging score slopes walking labelminimizeminimize
L'Odyssie du Robot The Learning Company1984 adventureengine ambientcreatures assemblylang bizarrecreatures city commercial controllablehelplessness difficultyspike edu-logic edu-programming elevators flipscreens framesynced fuel hard hypermobilefoes joystick klaatubaradanikto license-proprietary logic logicgates machinecivilization opensolutions pointertoggle programming publictransit pushwalls robotodyssey robots sewers stranded subterranean taskfailure walking I would not have thought Robot Odyssey is in fact [i]not[/i] the hardest game ever made. This language teaching modification of the game makes you play the game while learning French! ***** I must beat this game now! T* Gu*ul*! Me***! Mo*****! Sa****! En*****! Ve********! Sacrebleu! Pa********! Fo****! Br*le ** l’enfer! Z*t! I'm certain these will the most memorable French the game will teach me to speak. labelminimizeminimize
Super Quest  Softside1982 2270s 23rdcentury 3rdmillennium africa bows charactercreation currency demons dragons dwarves earth elves encounters-random encounters-respawn encounters-set encounters-unseen flipscreens future giantinsects giantspiders haggling halflings hard healingitems humans imps keys lineofsight loot-none lowtech-future magic mapdeficient meleeweapons monsters mummies ogres permadeath potions protagonistnaming racechoice save-suspend savepoints score shopping skeletons spiders subterranean techdisparity trolls vampires xp-kills zombies [WIP]
MSRP: $3

This game is massive by any standards at 1024 total locations. That is 4 times larger than the overworld and dungeons of The Legend of Zelda. Everything is in real-time and offers no other respite than a few sparely place shops. Shops are also the only place games can be saved. Strength is the only stat. It is increased in small random increments only by drinking strength potions bought from shops. Currency does not come from killing monsters but only from rare chests dispersed throughout the labrynth. Killing monsters gains XP which mainly counts as a high score (since winning the game is unlikley). Most screens have monsters that will be there every time you arrive no matter if you have defeated them previously. There are also random monster encounters that happen everywhere except shops, there is no pause to escape them or leave time to make your own map.

In a future on Earth with too much magic and too much technology, a one-of-a-king technomagical artifact was created to keep balance between the two. Being more powerful than it was intended, it stifled all change for either. A powerful king decided to used technology to hide and negate the effects of the artifact. With the artifact sealed away in a labyrinth of traps and unnatural guard creatures magic began overwhelming technology. 200 years later, a hero is chosen to brave the labyrinth and recover the artifact.

Entering initials is explained in-game. Heroes are sponsored by nobles so when the hero is asked who their sponsor is, it's the player.
Goblins Highlands (Antonson Labs)1981 dragons elves ghosts goblins hard interactivefiction keyboard magic mapdeficient ogres score timelimit uvl-confusable wordinput labelimageminimize
Goblins Programma International1979 dragons goblins hard interactivefiction keyboard magic mapdeficient ogres uvl-confusable wordinput This is the original text-only version that sold no more that 30 copies (maybe only 13). But one of those copies has a place in history for being purchased by Roberta Williams. This game was very infuential for [url=game-108770]The Wizard and the Princess[/url].

This game is rediculously hard even by advanced difficulty text adventure standards.[spoiler=spoiler;close]Finding a pinned note and taking it will not lead to winning the game. The player must also take the pin. READ BOOK, alone is useless. The player must also READ COVER. Likewise, LOOK, is often useless where LOOK GROUND is required.. There are no indications of which directions a player may move. Not unheard of for text-adventures with North-South-East-West movement, But this one includes six additional possibilities. Players are forced to try all of them to discover the map. Many puzzles and combats
can be solved or avoided by taking actions from another room. Cartoon and magic logic is often mixed with real world facts and logic in very inconsistant ways. Cartoon example: how to make cement out of quicksand. Use lime of course. Lime, as in fruit[/spoiler]
The later text plus graphics version included some subtle visual hints but but really didn't decrease the difficultty.